블러디 프롬 탈출 Escape the Bloody Prom) / 피투성이 무도회 탈출 / 탈출게임
- 탈출 게임
- 2013. 10. 19.
created by Dina Gjertsen for addictinggames
끔찍하게 잘못된 학교 댄스 무도회에 들어간 당신은 이 피투성이 무도회를 탈출해야 합니다.
당신이 살아서 탈출하기를 원한다면 지옥같은 퍼즐을 해결하고 악령의 생물들을 피해야 합니다.
즐겜하세요~ ^^
* 게임을 재밌게 하셨다면 손가락 꾹~ 부탁드려요 ^^
* 실행되지 않는 게임이나 영상은 댓글로 알려주시면 수정하겠습니다.
영문 공략
Click on table in lower right to close up.
Click on typewriter to close up.
Collect key from space bar.
Go back.
Collect purse from under table.
Go back.
Click on stage to close up.
Collect bucket from stage.
Go back.
Go right.
Click on car to close up.
Click on hood to open.
Collect screwdriver.
Go back.
Click on big wheel on right side of screen.
Collect crowbar.
Note the word “FIDO” written on big wheel.
Go back twice.
Go left.
Click on knocked over speaker in front of stage.
Use crowbar on speaker.
Collect candy.
Go back.
Go left.
Click on photo areas with knocked-over columns to close up.
Collect wrench from right upright column.
Collect camera from lower left.
Go back.
Go left.
Click on pile of chairs in front of door to close up.
Collect gun from behind chairs.
Click on vent with fan on left to close up.
Drag screwdriver to vent to unscrew.
Go back twice.
Go left.
Click on bathroom door to closeup.
Click on bathroom door to enter.
Go right.
Collect pliers from behind sink.
Click on trash can to open. Collect discarded prom dress.
Go right twice.
Drag large key to janitor’s closet door to open.
Collect broom and dustpan.
Go right twice.
Click on sink to close up.
Click on faucet to turn on sink.
Drag duspan to sink to place.
Go back.
Drag bucket to floor to place.
Collect full bucket.
Go right.
Click on bathroom door to exit.
Go right.
Click on fuse box on back right wall to close up.
Open candy dispenser in inventory to examine.
Click on candy dispenser head to open.
Collect small key.
Close inventory.
Drag small key to fuse box.
Click key to open.
Collect battery charger.
Note empty fuse.
Go back.
Go left.
Click on fire to close up.
Drag full bucket to fire to put fire out.
Collect burned ax head.
Go back.
Go right.
Click on fuse box again to close up.
Drag ax head to make connection.
Go back.
Click on purse in inventory to close up.
Collect camera battery.
Go right.
Click on bathroom door to close up.
Click on outlet by door to close up.
Drag charger to outlet.
Drag battery to outlet
Collect charged battery.
Go back.
Click on camera in inventory to examine.
Click on bottom right of camera to open battery compartment.
Drag charged battery to camera to place.
Click on bathroom door to enter.
CLick on “Out of Order” bathroom stall.
put code into stall code entry pad.
Code is “FIDO”
Drag broom towards toilet to flush evil clown.
Collect balloons.
Go back.
Go right twice.
Click on door to exit.
Go right.
Click on knife in wall on left to close up.
Drag pliers to knife to pull out of wall.
Open balloons in inventory to examine.
Drag knife to balloons to pop.
Collect SD card.
Click on camera in inventory to examine.
Click on right side of camera to open slot.
Drag SD card to slot to place.
Click on camera screen to go through photos and see clues.
Close camera.
Go back.
Go left twice.
Click on bloodstain on wall to close up.
Drag prom dress to blood stain to clean and reveal thermostat.
Go back twice.
Go right twice.
Click on stage to close up.
Click on light board on bottom right of stage.
All six lights work. The rightmost light is a black light. If the black light — and only the blacklight — is on, a code will be revealed on the floor.
Click on rightmost slider to turn on black light.
Go back twice.
Click on right side of floor where black light hits.
Code is “2391″.
Go back
Go left twice.
Click on thermostat to close up.
Enter code from floor.
Code is “2391″.
Thermostat cover will open. Click on fan button to turn off fan.
Go back.
Click on fan to close up.
Drag wrench to fan to remove.
Click on vent to exit.
(If you collected the gun and all 10 tiaras you get to play a mini-game. If not, you get eaten by a werewolf.)
Tiara locations:
On “S” on curtain on stage
On stage lights truss
Front grill of car
Inside broken speaker
On column in photo area
On chairs in front of door
on floor in bathroom in front of stalls
Inside bathroom garbage can
In fire after you put it out
Inside fan vent