잃어버린 영혼을 찾기 (Search For Lost Souls) / 서치 포 로스트 소울 / 탈출게임 - CafeCafeGames


제작 및 배포 : Created by CafeCafeGames


게임 시작 : 로딩 후 오른쪽 아래의 PLAY GAME 클릭 → START GAME 클릭

게임 설명 : 당신은 유령으로 가득한 집 안에 갇혀있습니다.

                13마리의 유령을 모두 찾으세요.

                즐겜하세요~ ^^

* 게임을 재밌게 하셨다면 손가락 꾹~ 부탁드려요 ^^

* 실행되지 않는 게임이나 영상은 댓글로 알려주시면 수정하겠습니다.

영문 공략 

1 - Go through the door next to the chair.

2 - Go through the door next to the statue and the door at the end of the hall.

3 - Click the crystal ball and again click on the close up of the crystal ball

4 - Go back to the bust then go to your right.

5 - Click the chair and get the ghost.

6 - Click on the small box next to the chair on the book shelf.

7 - Open the box and click the button.

8 - Collect the ghost and enter the secret passage.

9 - Go to your right.

10 - Collect the ghost by the hole.

11 - Go down hole then go to your left twice.

12 - Take the gas cap off the generator and fill it with gas.

13 - Pull the ripcord.

14 - Go back to the second room with the two doors facing you.

15 - Enter the door on the right.

16 - Open the toilet and look inside. Pull the tail tats wiggling in the bottom of the bowl.

17 - Quickly click on the ghost that pops out of the toilet tank.

18 - Leave the bathroom, go to the door on the left then upstairs.

19 - Click the light switch next to the door facing you. Now go through that door.

20 - Open the egg shape device (this releases three ghosts).

21 - Go back, then go right.

22 - Go through the door and up the stairs.

23 - Click the light bulb and break the horn off the lion statue.

24 - Turn the light off and collect the ghost.

25 - Go back to the door next to the hole in the wall.

26 - Go to your right.

27 - A ghost appears in the face of this clock, collect it.

28 - Notice the time on the clock.

29 - Go through the door and turn on the light next to the mirror.

30 - Notice the ghost in the mirror.

31 - Go to your right and pull up the blanket.

32 - Collect the ghost hidden under bed.

33 - Move the chair all the way to off the left side of the screen.

34 - Go to your left.

35 - Use the chair on the mirror and collect the ghost.

36 - Go downstairs to the clock and change the time to 7:15

37 - Come back upstairs in the before the clock there is a ghost.

38 - Go back to the bust, roll over the eyes and click them as soon as you see glowing.

39 - Go through the door then go to your left.

40 - Drop the log on the blue flame and collect the ghost.

41 - Go to your left and through the door.

42 - Click the faucet and collect the last ghost.


Designed by JB FACTORY