호러 타운 탈출 2 (Horror Town Escape 2) / 탈출 게임 - Games2Rule

호러 타운 탈출 2 (Horror Town Escape 2) / 탈출 게임

영문 공략

WT (first end) - Part One
Thx to all posters above for clearing the way...

- first (nearer) open room on the right, pitch dark, need to enlight it somehow...
- second (further) open room on the right, take
CELLPHONE on floor, NUT/BOLT/SCREW-1 under table, 2xWOODPIECE, CAMERA beside wood, SCISSORS & SPANNER on toolboard
- note wire from iron box 
- next open door straight ahead, take RING SPANNER on pipe on the right side
- note phone, watertank to the left & boiler
- back & left (click on pink arrow)
- next open first (nearer) door to the right, take NUT/BOLT/SCREW-2 on floor, ICE CUBES in fridge, MATCHBOX in cupboard under tv, COMPASS in box on floor
- put compass in back of the clock on table to receive little KEY
- note wire from tv
- cut CURTAIN with scissors, open (click) it from inventory and add one of the woods for TORCH
- back & to next further open door on the right
- take NUT/BOLT/SCREW-3 right on floor
- turn the two spots with white glass
- have a look at vicious cat...
- push all switches on the left, zoom out & zoom in again to push the red switch again
- when zoom on cat's place, the animal is gone & you see 3 jigsaw pieces, but you can't take them...
- note photos on wall & their colors
- note two holes & closed compartment a on spot
- note non-isolated part of long wire left on floor
- right on floor zoom on a puddle of fuel, the torch in it to receive FLAMMABLE torch
- open it from inventory & light it up with matchbox
- 1x back & use torch on girl picture (she has a beautiful necklage... ;-D) to see NUMBERS for cellphone
- still with torch 2x back & enter nearer dark room to the right
- take FUSE right on floor & NUT/BOLT/SCREW-4left on floor
- zoom on fuse box to the left (for the right spot, look when it's written «fuse box» on black bottom tool bar)
- open fuse box and place fuse in empty slot
- zoom out & in on main switch on wall ahead
- pull lever & turn all 4 switches till red arrows point to «end»
- you'll see water tank filling with water
- zoom out & your're already in the other room with the tank

WT (first end) - Part Two

- (you can now put away torch, if still in your hand ;-D)
- zoom out & in on boiler (cylinder thingy ahead) & use spanner on little bolt on slim pipe left of boiler
- zoom out, now you see boiler cooking...
- zoom in to it, hammer the cap away with wood & put ice cubes in it to cool the boiler
- zoom once more in it to take door KEY
- 2x zoom out, take cellphone from inventory & put
numbers found on girl pic (with red button you can erase) & click green button
- the other phone in room rings now, so zoom in & look at colors & their order
- 2x back, 1x left, further open door to the right, back in room with spots & 5 pictures
- change the pic order according to the phone colors & take door KEY from now opened cupboard right under the last pic
- 2x back, zoom & open first (nearer) door to the left with the key from pics
- in new open room you'll see an aquarium, secured with padlock on top right edge
- in the water note a bottle, also secured with padlock and guarded by lowering fish with big fangs...
- take a photo of this piranha looking animal with your camera (click on red button) & the fish is swimming away, but you still can't take the bottle out of the water...
- zoom out & in under aquarium to take the KNIFE
- go back to room with iron box, cut WIRE-1 with knife (just under plug) & take it
- same with WIRE-2 in room with tv
- go to room with spots, zoom on spot with the two holes & place wires
- connect the other ends with non-isolated wire left on floor
- now the compartiment on the spot has opened, take the padlock KEY
- go back to aquarium & open padlock with key from spot to take the BOTTLE
- take bottle from inventory, open the padlock with little key from clock & take escape KEY out of bottle
- go out to corridor (start screen), zoom on second (further) door to the left & open it with key from boiler
- zoom on desk on floor left behind big box, put the four nuts/bolts/screws on twists & fix all with ring spanner (click on one of the twists)
- lift the cover plate & take JIGSAW BOX
(for the second end, not discovered yet...)
- back to corridor, 2x left (click pink arrow) till blue door & open it with key from
- first escape end successful!

WT (second end)
thx again all posters who helped solving the code!

- follow first end wt till receiving jigsaw box
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

- push the pieces 13 15* 7
- take KEY for blue escape door on the right & go there
- second escape successful!

*15, 'cause place with 10 is exchanged...


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